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KBI Provincial/Territorial Curriculum Guides

KBI Provincial/Territorial Curriculum Guides


KBI is tailored for grades 4-12, and each grade has access to a hand-selected list of lessons to fit within each provincial/territorial curriculum. To find out how KBI fits with your province/territory's learning outcomes, click on the relevant province below. 

British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
Northwest Territories
Prince Edward Island


Our content provides a unique and tailored interactive classroom experience that has been carefully developed with Education Scotland to align with Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence. In particular, our current lessons meet the learning outcomes of S1 science, health and wellbeing, and social studies. 

For more details, you can download the Scottish curriculum fit document here. 


If you are in a country other than Canada or Scotland, we provide content based on the Canadian curriculum. We take out content that is specific to Canadian students (such as how the Canada's three branches of government), but otherwise the content is very similar to most Canadian provinces. If you are using this as part of learning English as a second language, you can also choose a grade based on reading level.

Last modified: 
Feb 24, 2023
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5,808,156 questions answered and 466,513 vaccines earned worldwide for children in support of UNICEF since March 2018.

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