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Ontario Grade 4

Click here to access the Curriculum Connections showing curriculum outcomes for the different KBI learning modules/lessons and links to accompanying lesson resources.

Made by a Grade 4 teacher in Ontario. 

Kids Boost Immunity (KBI) provides educational content (lessons and support materials) developed by teachers and where needed, health experts, that is directly linked to curriculum and is available completely for free. Each lesson is paired with an online quiz that students can take on a laptop, tablet, or phone. Every time a student scores 80% or higher on a quiz, we donate life-saving vaccines to UNICEF Canada. To learn more about KBI, click here.

Click on the overarching curriculum themes below to see the curriculum outcomes that match KBI educational content. The full Grade 4 Ontario Curriculum Connections document is here.

Knowledge is Power

Curricular outcomes:

ELA: Digital Media Literacy

  • A2.2- demonstrate an understanding of how to navigate online environments safely, manage their privacy and personal data, and interact in a way that supports their well-being and that of others, including seeking appropriate permission
  • A2.3- gather, evaluate, and use information, considering validity, credibility, accuracy, and perspectives, to construct knowledge, create texts, and demonstrate learning
  • A2.4- demonstrate an understanding of the forms, conventions, and techniques of digital and media texts, consider the impact on the audience, and apply this understanding when analyzing and creating texts
  • A2.5- demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships between the form, message, and context of texts, the intended audience, and the purpose for production

ELA: Critical Thinking In Literacy

  • C3.5- identify explicit and implicit perspectives communicated in various texts, explain how these perspectives are conveyed, give some evidence of any biases the texts may contain, and suggest how such biases could influence an audience

Science: Scientific Expectations

  • A1.1- use a scientific research process and associated skills to conduct investigations
  • A1.2- use a scientific experimentation process and associated skills to conduct investigations
  • A1.5- communicate their findings, using science and technology vocabulary and formats that are appropriate for specific audiences and purposes


  • D1.2 – Identify risks associated with the use of communications technology, including Internet use, texting, and gaming, and describe precautions and strategies for using these technologies safely. 

Applicable KBI lessons:

1. Critical Thinking & Evaluating Information

Unit Plan Overview

  • Literacy builder worksheet/answer guide
  • Lesson worksheet/answers
  • Video worksheet/answers
  • Inquiry activities/answer guides
  • Numeracy activity/answers

Curriculum outcomes:

Science: Life Science 

  • B1.1- assess positive and negative impacts of human activities on habitats and communities, while taking different perspectives into account
  • B1.2- analyse the impact of the depletion or extinction of a species on its habitat and community, and describe possible actions to prevent such depletions or extinctions
  • B2.3- describe the relationship of organisms in a food chain, and classify organisms as producers, consumers, or decomposers
  • B2.4- demonstrate an understanding of a food web as the interconnection of multiple food chains in a natural community
  • B2.5- describe how animals are categorized according to their diet, and categorize various animals as carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores

Science: STEM Skills & Connections

  • A3.3- analyse contributions to science and technology from various communities

Social Studies: Heritage & Identity 

  • A1.2- compare aspects of the daily lives of different groups within a few early societies, including at least one First Nation and one Inuit society, and explain how differences were related to the social organization of that society
  • A1.4- compare a few early societies, including at least one First Nation and one Inuit society, in terms of their relationship with the environment, and describe some key similarities and differences in environmental practices between these societies and present-day Canada
  • A2.5- evaluate evidence and draw conclusions about ways of life and relationships with the environment in a few early societies, including at least one First Nation and one Inuit society, with an emphasis on aspects of the interrelationship between the environment and life in those societies
  • A3.2- demonstrate the ability to extract information on daily life in a few early societies, including at least one First Nation and one Inuit society, from visual evidence
  • A3.5- describe the importance of the environment for a few early societies, including at least one First Nation and one Inuit society, with a particular focus on how the local environment affected the ways in which people met their physical needs 
  • A3.6- identify and describe some of the major scientific and technological developments in the ancient and medieval world, including some from at least one First Nation and one Inuit society 
  • A3.7- describe how a few early societies, including at least one First Nation and one Inuit society, were governed 

ELA: Literacy Connections & Applications

  • A3.2- demonstrate an understanding of the historical contexts, contributions, lived experiences, and perspectives of a diversity of individuals and communities, including those in Canada, by exploring the concepts of identity, self, and sense of belonging in a variety of culturally responsive and relevant texts
  • A3.3- explain themes explored in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit cultures to demonstrate an understanding of the varied identities, perspectives, relationships, legacies, truths, and ways of knowing, being, and doing

ELA: Foundations of Language

  • B1.5- use appropriate word choice, including new vocabulary, varied adjectives and adverbs to elaborate, a variety of sentence types, and cohesive sentences during formal and informal communication, to support audience comprehension

Applicable KBI lessons:

1. Classifying Living Things

Unit Plan Overview

  • Literacy builder worksheet/answer guide
  • Lesson worksheet/answers
  • Video worksheet/answer guide


2. Life on Turtle Island

Unit Plan Overview

  • Literacy builder worksheet/answer guide
  • Lesson worksheet/answers

Curriculum-Related Themes Throughout the Year

Reflecting on hardships and courage during WWII (November)

Curricular outcomes:


  • Literacy Connections and Applications
    • A3.3- explain themes explored in First Nations, Metis, and Inuit cultures to demonstrate an understanding of the varied identities, perspectives, relationships, legacies, truths, and ways of knowing, being, and doing. 
  • Comprehension Strategies: 
    • C2.1- identify and explain prior knowledge from various sources, including personal experiences, that they can use to make connections and understand new texts. 
    • C2.5- describe how the ideas expressed in texts connect to their knowledges and lived experiences, the ideas in other texts, and the world around them.
    • C3.2 – make local and global inferences, using explicit and implicit evidence, to extend their understanding of various texts. 

Applicable KBI lessons:

1. Remembrance Day / Veterans Day / Armistice Day

Lesson Plan/Activity

Being kind and building leadership skills to help make a difference to others (December)

Curricular outcomes:


  • D2.5- demonstrate an understanding of how choices they make every day can have a positive impact on their mental health. 
  • D3.3- demonstrate an understanding of different strategies they can use to manage stress in situation in which they have some control, as well as to adapt to challenging situations over which they have less immediate influence. 


  • D2.1- draft texts of various forms and genres, including narrative, persuasive, and informational texts, using a variety of media, tools, and strategies 
  • D2.3- establish a personal voice in their texts, using varies language and elements of style to express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions about a topic, and using a tone appropriate to the form and genre. 
  • D3.2 – publish and present texts they have created, using selected media and tools, and explain how each helped them communicate their intended message. 

Applicable KBI lessons:

1. Winter Break - Spreading Kindness 

Lesson Plan/Activities

  • Literacy builder worksheet/answer guide
  • Activity - Making A Difference
  • Activity - Compare and Contrast special things at this time of year
  • Activity - Recipe book
  • Activity - Shape Poem
Highlighting some key inspirational leaders during Black History Month as well as some experiences of refugees from different parts of the world (February)

Curricular outcomes:

Comprehension Strategies: 

  • C2.1- identify and explain prior knowledge from various sources, including personal experiences, that they can use to make connections and understand new texts. 
  • C2.5- describe how the ideas expressed in texts connect to their knowledges and lived experiences, the ideas in other texts, and the world around them.
  • C3.2 – make local and global inferences, using explicit and implicit evidence, to extend their understanding of various texts.


  • A3.1- describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these application address real world problems. 
  • A3.3- analyze contributions to science and technology from various communities. 

Social Studies: 

  • A1.3- describe some of the ways in which their daily life differs from the lives of young people from different backgrounds in a few early societies, including at least one First Nation and one Inuit society. 

Applicable KBI lessons:

1. Black History Month


2. Refugee Experiences

Unit Plan Overview

  • Lesson worksheet/answers
  • Inquiry activities
Celebrating Inspiring Women in STEM (March)

Curricular outcomes:

Comprehension Strategies: 

  • C2.1- identify and explain prior knowledge from various sources, including personal experiences, that they can use to make connections and understand new texts. 
  • C2.5- describe how the ideas expressed in texts connect to their knowledges and lived experiences, the ideas in other texts, and the world around them.
  • C3.2 – make local and global inferences, using explicit and implicit evidence, to extend their understanding of various texts.


  • D2.1- draft texts of various forms and genres, including narrative, persuasive, and informational texts, using a variety of media, tools, and strategies 
  • D2.3- establish a personal voice in their texts, using varies language and elements of style to express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions about a topic, and using a tone appropriate to the form and genre.
  • D3.1 produce final texts using a variety of techniques and tools, including simple digital design and production tools, to achieve the intended effect


  • A3.1- describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these application address real world problems. 
  • A3.3- analyze contributions to science and technology from various communities.

Social Studies: 

  • A1.1- compare social organization in a few early societies, including at least one First Nation and one Inuit society. 

Applicable KBI lessons:

1. International Women's Day - Celebrating Inspiring Women in STEM

Unit Plan Overview

  • Literacy builder worksheets/answer guides
  • Inquiry activities
Caring for the environment (Earth Month in April)

Applicable KBI lessons:

1. Environment & Climate Change

Unit Plan Overview

  • Literacy builder worksheet/answer guide
  • Lesson worksheet/answers
  • Video worksheet/answers
  • Inquiry activities/answer guides
  • Numeracy activity/answers
Communicable illnesses, preventing pandemics and learning about immunization. Suggested during flu season, immunization awareness week, and school vaccinations (if applicable)

Curricular outcomes:

Comprehension Strategies: 

  • C2.1- identify and explain prior knowledge from various sources, including personal experiences, that they can use to make connections and understand new texts. 
  • C2.5- describe how the ideas expressed in texts connect to their knowledges and lived experiences, the ideas in other texts, and the world around them.
  • C3.2 – make local and global inferences, using explicit and implicit evidence, to extend their understanding of various texts.

Applicable KBI lessons:

1. Immunization Awareness Week


2. The Spread of Infectious Diseases

Link to Lessons


3. Scientific Curiosity and Vaccine Discoveries

Link to Lessons


Last modified: 
Sep 3, 2024