Lesson Plan: Spreading Kindness (4-5)

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One way to take a positive and uniting focus is to have students reflect on things they are grateful for, as well as looking at ways to build leadership skills around kindness.
Students complete the lesson on Kids Boost Immunity called Spreading Kindness.
To support learning there are accompanying student worksheets, answer guides and activities. Use or adapt as needed.
Note - answer guides are located at the bottom of this page.
The links to the Spreading Kindness lesson and accompanying resources are provided below.
- Lesson Spreading Kindness (approx. 30 mins)
- Handout Vocab Worksheet (approx. 10 minutes)
- Activity Making a Difference Worksheet (approx 25-30 mins).
- Note - there is no answer key as responses will vary.
- Activity Compare-Contrast (approx 20-25 mins)
- Note - there is no answer key as responses will vary.
- Activity Recipebook (approx 25-30 mins)
- Note - there is no answer key as responses will vary.
- Activity Shape Poems (approx 25-30 mins)
- Note - there is no answer key as responses will vary.
- Interactive Activities For Lesson (printable versions in case computer or wifi access is limited)
- Answer Guides—To hide from students, you have to be logged in and scroll down to the answer key section below!
Go here if you need to make a class on Kids Boost Immunity.
Go here to get your students to join.
Contact info@kidsboostimmunity.com if you need help.
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