Unit Plan: Environment and Climate Change (10-12)

Click here to access the printable version of this unit plan overview.
This unit plan overview provides links to all lessons along with links to accompanying teacher support materials that include:
- Student worksheets and answer guides for individual lessons
- Inquiry activities (support materials are provided as needed)
NOTE - answer keys/marking guides are accessible only by teachers and are located at the bottom of this page.
Teachers can use/adapt any of these materials as needed
When possible, content will be updated yearly for relevancy and to check links. However, teachers may find that over time links to external sources become unavailable. Teachers may want to consider replacing these with alternate sources.
Environment & Climate Change (10-12) lessons and links to resources are listed below.
Download worksheets and make available to your students:
- For students to use with each lesson to develop their own Glossary of Terms
- Lesson 1 - Climate Change & Earth Minerals
- Video Worksheet: Will Green Technology Kill Chile’s Deserts (10 minutes)
- Activity: Making Ethical Decisions as a Consumer (30 minutes)
- Lesson 2 - Climate Change & Ecosystems
- Video Worksheet: Climate Change & Ecosystems (10 minutes)
- Activity: Biodiversity & Roles in an Ecosystem (20 minutes)
- Lesson 3 - Climate Change & the Atmosphere
- Video 1 Worksheet: How Climate Change Could Shift Where Tornadoes Strike Most (5 minutes)
- Video 2 Worksheet: Connections Between Air Quality and Climate (5 minutes)
- Video 3 Worksheet: India’s Pollution: Air quality reaches 'hazardous' levels in Delhi (5 minutes)
- Activity: Carbon Sinks & Greenhouse Gas Sources (30 minutes)
- Lesson 4 - Climate Change & Water
- Video Worksheet: Our Global Water Crisis, Explained (10 minutes)
- Activity: Conservation of Water (40 minutes)
- Lesson 5 - Climate Change & Sustainable Land Use (Canada)
- Lesson 5 - Climate Change & Sustainable Land Use (International)
- Video Worksheet: Honouring the Land (10 minutes)
- Activity: Green Initiatives for Urban Land Use (30+ minutes)
- Lesson 6 - Climate Change & Our Health
- Video Worksheet: Stanford Researchers Anticipate Rise of Some Mosquito-borne Diseases (15 minutes)
- Activity: Global Ethics, Policy, & Law (30+ minutes)
- Activity: Vector-Borne Diseases (30 minutes)
- End of Unit: Climate Change Research Inquiry Project (6+ hours)
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