Unit Plan: Canada's Three Levels of Government (6-7)

Click here to access the printable version of this unit plan overview.
Lessons are sequentially designed to build vocabulary, explain democracy, examine municipal, provincial/territorial and federal governments, and explore different levels of government in relation to health.
This unit plan overview provides links to all lessons along with links to accompanying teacher support materials that include:
Student worksheets and answer guides for individual lessons
Inquiry activities (support materials are provided as needed)
NOTE - answer keys/marking guides are accessible only by teachers and are located at the bottom of this page.
Teachers can use/adapt any of these materials as needed.
When possible, content will be updated yearly for relevancy and to check links. However, teachers may find that over time links to external sources become unavailable. Teachers may want to consider replacing these with alternate sources.
Canada's Three Levels of Government (6-7) lessons and links to resources are listed below.
Download worksheets and make available to your students:
- Lesson 1: Canada's Government (approx. 35 mins)
- Handout Goverment Terms Worksheet (approx. 15 minutes)
- Handout Government Services Activity (approx. 20 minutes)
- Lesson 2: The Municipal Government (approx. 30 mins)
- Handout Municipal Government Terms Worksheet (approx. 15 minutes)
- Handout Electing a Leader Activity (approx. 15 minutes)
- Lesson 3: The Provincial Government (approx. 30 mins)
- Handout Provincial Government Terms Worksheet (approx. 15 minutes)
- Activity Tour Guide in My Own Province/Territory
- Lesson 4: The Federal Government (approx. 30 mins)
- Handout Federal Government Terms Worksheet (approx. 15 minutes)
- Activity Voting in Federal Elections
- Numeracy Activity Understanding Ridings
- Lesson 5: Governments and Your Health (approx. 20 mins)
- Handout for online lessons’ interactive activities (in case computer or online access is limited).
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