Unit Plan: Environment and Climate Change (4-6)

Click here to access the printable version of this unit plan overview.
This unit plan overview provides links to all lessons along with links to accompanying teacher support materials that include:
- Grade specific literacy builder worksheets and answer guides
- Student worksheets and answer guides for individual lessons
- Video worksheets and answer guides
- Inquiry activities (support materials are provided as needed)
NOTE - answer keys/marking guides are accessible only by teachers and are located at the bottom of this page.
*Grade 6 Vocabulary Builder worksheets do not have answer keys, as students' answers will vary*
Teachers can use/adapt any of these materials as needed.
When possible, content will be updated yearly for relevancy and to check links. However, teachers may find that over time links to external sources become unavailable. Teachers may want to consider replacing these with alternate sources.
Environment & Climate Change (4-6) lessons and links to resources are listed below.
Download worksheets and make available to your students:
- Lesson 1 - What Is Climate Change?
- Literacy Builder-Vocab Worksheet Grade 4 (10 minutes)
- Literacy Builder-Vocab Worksheet Grade 5 (15 minutes)
- Literacy Builder-Vocab Worksheet Grade 6 (25 minutes)
- Activity: Climate Change Around Us Map (20 minutes)
- Video Worksheet: Climate Change According to a Kid (10 minutes)
- End of Lesson Reflection Response: 3-2-1 (10 minutes)
- Activity: Wordsearch (5 minutes)
- Lesson 2 - Helping with the Problem of Climate Change
- Literacy Builder-Vocab Worksheet Grade 4 (10 minutes)
- Literacy Builder-Vocab Worksheet Grade 5 (15 minutes)
- Literacy Builder-Vocab Worksheet Grade 6 (20 minutes)
- Inquiry Activity: Climate Change Super Heroes (40 minutes)
- Video Worksheet: Kids Take Action Against Ocean Plastic (10 minutes)
- End of Lesson Reflection Response: Sketch to Stretch (10 minutes)
- Activity: Wordsearch (5 minutes)
- Lesson 3 - My Community & Climate Change
- Literacy Builder-Vocab Worksheet Grade 4 (10 minutes)
- Literacy Builder-Vocab Worksheet Grade 5 (15 minutes)
- Literacy Builder-Vocab Worksheet Grade 6 (30 minutes)
- Inquiry Activity: Communities Affected by Climate Change Gr 4-5 (2+ hours)
- Inquiry Activity: Communities Affected by Climate Change Gr 5-6 (2+ hours)
- Video Worksheet: Climate Change: Predicting What Canada Will Look Like (10 minutes)
- End of Lesson Reflection Response: Reflection-Facts, Feelings, Questions (15 minutes)
- Activity: Wordsearch (5 minutes)
- Lesson 4 - How Can Each Person Help?
- Literacy Builder-Vocab Worksheet Grade 4 (10 minutes)
- Literacy Builder-Vocab Worksheet Grade 5 (15 minutes)
- Literacy Builder-Vocab Worksheet Grade 6 (5 minutes)
- Inquiry Activity: My Action Plan (2 weeks)
- End of Lesson Reflection Response: Connect, Extend, Challenge (15 minutes)
- Video Worksheet: Could This Technology Save Us from Climate Change (10 minutes)
- Numeracy Builder-Math Activity: How Far Does Our Food Travel (25 mins)
- Activity: Wordsearch (5 minutes)
- Lesson 5 - Our Health & Climate Change
- Lesson 1-4 Vocabulary Review
- Unit Vocabulary Review Grs 4-5 (10 minutes)
- Unit Vocabulary Review Grs 5-6 (10 minutes)
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