Canada’s Interactions with the Global Community: Reading a Map (5-9)

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Created by a middle school teacher, Canada
Navigation is a skill with ancient roots and modern demands. Understanding how and why we use maps and basic cartographic concepts will help students better describe and understand their world. The slides provided and the Kids Boost Immunity lesson ‘Reading a Map’ both help students to gain an understanding of mapping. Two activities support students to apply what they have learned with assessment checklists provided.
This lesson plan overview provides links to the lesson Reading a Map along with links to accompanying teacher support materials that include:
- A slide presentation, accompanying student worksheets and answer guide
- Mapping activities
NOTE - answer guide is accessible only by teachers and is located at the bottom of this page.
Teachers can use/adapt any of these materials as needed.
When possible, content will be updated yearly for relevancy and to check links. However, teachers may find that over time links to external sources become unavailable. Teachers may want to consider replacing these with alternate sources.
Download worksheets and make available to your students:
- Slides: Introduction to Maps
- Worksheet: Introduction to Maps
- Worksheet: Lesson 2 Reading A Map
- Map Making Assessment Checklist: Map Your Room
- Map Making Assessment Checklist: Map Your Life
- Lesson: Reading a Map Teacher Answer Guide—To hide from students, you have to be logged in and scroll down to the answer key section below!
Preview of lesson plan below.
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