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Kids OFFLINE Mode - How to complete KBI quizzes and earn vaccines as a class without students being on internet-connected devices

Kids OFFLINE Mode - How to complete KBI quizzes and earn vaccines as a class without students being on internet-connected devices

Click here for a step-by-step instruction guide on how to get started with Kids OFFLINE Mode.

Curriculum-based learning is central to the work on Kids Boost Immunity (KBI) as can be seen from teacher-developed lessons and support resources. There is also a unique game learning option that links mastery-level learning to helping children around the world. This is achieved through online lesson quizzes where scores of 80% or higher earn life-saving vaccines like polio, measles, and tetanus through UNICEF. Over the years, many teachers have requested an option that does not require students to be online. This is due to challenges accessing technology and internet connectivity. There is also a strong desire to increase student well-being by reducing the amount of class time spent online. To support this, there is now a new second way for a teacher to have their class earn vaccines that doesn’t require students to be online: “Kids OFFLINE Mode”. 

Click here for a side-by-side comparison between Kids ONLINE Mode and Kids OFFLINE Mode and the information below in PDF form.

Administering the lesson quizzes to a class

How do I do a quiz with students when they are not online? 

After going through the lesson as a class, click on Start Quiz and read aloud each quiz question and each answer option. Answer options are labelled A., B., C., D. etc. To engage the whole class, you can pair quizzes with familiar teaching tools, like whiteboards, or ask students to indicate their responses using hands up for the correct answer. This gives an opportunity to discuss reasons for answers. Students may want to change their answer.  Or make a paper version of the quiz for students to do individually or in pairs. Have them compare with another student or pair so they get a chance to discuss and make a final decision on their answer.   

How do I use student quiz answers to complete the quiz on their behalf?

For each quiz question, pick the answer that received the most responses from students in the class. If a quiz score is less than 80%, redo any parts of the lesson where incorrect answers were given to help students achieve mastery learning and redo the quiz to earn vaccines.  

The difference between ‘Practice Mode’ and ‘Active Mode’

I see something called “Practice Mode” on the site. What does it mean?

Practice Mode is a default setting for your teacher account that allows you to review KBI quizzes to prepare for doing that lesson quiz. Teachers have always been able to review quizzes in this way. We have added this new label because teachers now have the additional ability to earn vaccines on behalf of their students in Kids OFFLINE Mode. This is done by switching out of ‘Practice Mode’ into ‘Active Mode’ when you decide to complete the quiz on behalf of your class as a group at the end of teaching a lesson.

My students don’t have access to internet-connected devices like computers or phones, but I want to earn vaccines on their behalf. Why do I need to make my team “Active” after I create it, and how do I do that?

When you log in to KBI, your teacher account defaults to “Practice Mode,” which allows you to review or “practice” a quiz while preparing for the lesson. When you are ready to do the quiz with your class after teaching the lesson, first, you need to take your account out of Practice Mode to earn vaccines for that lesson. You can do that in one of two ways:

1. On the main Lessons page and in each learning module, at the top, you will see a box that says “Practice Mode”. In the drop-down, select the team you would like to earn vaccines for (use in Kids OFFLINE Mode).


2. On the ‘My Teams’ page in the menu bar, pick the team you want to earn vaccines for by clicking the ‘Earn Vaccines’ button on the right-hand side.

When you click ‘Earn Vaccines’, the team will turn to “ACTIVE MODE”.

In this mode, any quiz you complete on behalf of the class (as a group) will reward the team with 10 vaccines if you score>80%.  

My team is in Active Mode, but I want to review a lesson before doing it with the class. How do I switch back to Practice Mode?

If you are earning on behalf of a class (Kids OFFLINE Mode) but want to switch to Practice Mode to review a lesson, you have two options:

1. Click ‘Practice Mode’ in the drop-down selector located on the main Lessons page AND within every learning module.


2. Select the My Teams page in the menu bar at the top and click the ‘Practice Mode’ button at the bottom left under your list of teams.

Using both Kids ONLINE Mode and Kids OFFLINE Mode

I’d like to be able to alternate between Kids ONLINE and Kids OFFLINE modes so we can still do KBI on days when I have limited access or want students offline. Is this possible?

Yes. A prerequisite for using Kids ONLINE Mode is that your students first need to sign up to KBI and join your class/team by using the team registration code you created for them. When students are signed up, you are able to choose between modes on any given day, depending on your preference. 

Note: In Kids OFFLINE Mode, you administer each quiz to your students as a group and are required to first ACTIVATE the team in order to earn vaccines on behalf of your students.  A class/team does not have to be activated for Kids ONLINE Mode; once students are signed up to the class/team, they can earn vaccines individually using an internet-connected device after logging in and completing a lesson.

If I have my students sign up and join my team as part of Kids ONLINE Mode, and I then decide to administer a lesson quiz to my class in Kids OFFLINE Mode to earn 10 vaccines: A) can my students subsequently take the same lesson/quiz on their devices? B) if they do, can they also earn vaccines individually?

A) Yes, students can always take the same quiz individually when online, even if you have already administered that quiz to the entire class in OFFLINE Mode and earned 10 vaccines.

B) No, students cannot earn vaccines again individually after a teacher has earned vaccines for that lesson on behalf of the class.

Lesson quizzes with vaccines available to be earned will have an ‘Earn Vaccines’ label on them.

If some of my students individually earn vaccines for a lesson in the Kids ONLINE Mode, and I subsequently decide to teach the lesson to the entire class in Kids OFFLINE Mode, can I still earn 10 vaccines for my class by administering the quiz to all my students as a group?

Yes! If you teach a lesson and do the quiz with your class after some of your students have already earned vaccines individually for that lesson, you can still earn an extra 10 vaccines on behalf of the class (in Kids OFFLINE Mode) with a score of 80% or higher. 

After my students sign up to join my KBI class/team to earn vaccines on their devices, am I required to do anything else to make my class/team active so students can answer quizzes individually?

No. After you create a class/team and have your students sign up using the class registration code to join, Kids Boost Immunity’s ‘default setting’ allows them to earn vaccines for any lesson quiz they complete.

Tracking lessons completed for Kids ONLINE Mode and Kids OFFLINE Mode 

If I’m using a mix of Kids ONLINE Mode and Kids OFFLINE Mode, how will my students know which lessons are completed as a group (in Kids OFFLINE Mode)?

Students can see which lessons are completed on behalf of a team in Kids OFFLINE Mode by the # of Lessons completed progress tracker on every learning module and a message will appear on every individual lesson completed as a group. 

How can I track which lessons are completed as a group (in Kids OFFLINE Mode)?

On the main Lessons page, you will see that the # of Lessons completed and # of Vaccines earned on each learning module reflect what teachers can complete and earn on behalf of their selected team. For example, the grades 4-6 Environment & Climate Change learning module has:

  • 7 lessons available for completion, and 
  • 70 vaccines available to earn on behalf of the class in Kids OFFLINE Mode (10 vaccines per lesson quiz).

After you complete a lesson and pass the quiz in the learning module, the # Lessons completed and # Vaccines earned will increase to reflect your progress.

  • 1 of 7 Lessons completed
  • 10 of 70 Vaccines earned 

When in Kids OFFLINE Mode, how will I know when the group has successfully earned 10 vaccines as a result of me administering the quiz to my students?

You will see vaccine earning in a few different ways:

  • You will get this message at the end of the quiz:

  • The vaccines will be added to your team's total. If the team has students using KBI online (Kids ONLINE Mode), their vaccines are combined with the total vaccines earned in Kids OFFLINE Mode (quizzes completed by the teacher on behalf of the class). 


Last modified: 
Jan 29, 2025
Baby icon

604,275 questions answered and 48,773 vaccines earned worldwide in support of UNICEF this school year.

5,763,430 questions answered and 463,030 vaccines earned worldwide for children in support of UNICEF since March 2018.

(Updated every few minutes.)

Earned Vaccine

Thank you for acting locally to help immunize globally.

You are helping people around the globe get immunity to diseases like polio, tetanus and measles that can be prevented or even eliminated through vaccination! Thank you for all the great work!