KBI Teacher FAQ

- How can teachers manage their Team?
Teachers have the ability to edit their class Team accounts once they are set up (and can change the Team name, registration pass phrase, and other features).
Teachers cannot add student members to their Team directly since students register themselves on KBI, however teachers can delete student accounts if needed. You can find out more under the User Guide.
- What happens if students forget their passwords?
Teachers can create a new password for their students. You can learn how by going to the User Guide under the Forgotten Passwords/Logins, Deleting a Student Account page.
- What are Leaderboards?
A leaderboard lists the schools in order of specific criteria - vaccines earned, questions answered etc. It is a fun way to anonymously compete with schools around the world! You can learn more about leaderboards in the User Guide, under Leaderboards.
- How do quizzes work?
There are several different kinds of quiz that are used on KBI. They serve different purposes - some are pre-tests, some serve as lesson review, and others serve as a final test. You can learn more about the different types of quizzes in the User Guide, under Types of Quizzes.
Below is a quick overview of the basic functionality of quizzes.
The initial introduction quiz gets kids used to the site when they register and sets a knowledge baseline for our KBI program evaluation.
Under each topic, you will find one or more lessons. Each lesson has a lesson quiz associated with it that students will be directed to take after completing the lesson. Students can earn one vaccine per quiz if they score 80% or higher. Students can take this quiz as many times as they like in order to reach a score of 80% or higher.
Each topic (e.g. ‘The Immune System’) contains a final quiz to solidify learning. Final quizzes are locked until students have completed all of the lessons and quizzes on that topic. Students earn vaccines based on the number of questions they answer correctly. Students can take this quiz more than once, however, students only earn vaccines the first time that they take the quiz (like taking a test).
If your students are keen to learn more and earn more vaccines, they can find bonus lessons and quizzes on a variety of topics under the Lessons tab or in the Earn More section. Students can earn one vaccine for each bonus quiz when they score 80% or higher. These lessons do not have a final quiz attached to them.
Once your students have completed all the lessons you wish them to complete, please encourage your students to take the “Give Us Your Feedback” quiz found under Lessons. Students earn one vaccine for completing the “Give Us Your Feedback” quiz. This final evaluation quiz provides us with very valuable information in terms of student learning for our KBI program evaluation, and this information can be shared with teachers who are interested. This information will help KBI develop content that meets the learning needs of students.
- I don’t want my students jumping ahead to see and do other lessons and quizzes on the site. How do I control that?
Teachers can direct students to the lessons they want them to do. However, just like students can read ahead in a textbook, students will have access to the full site when they log in and might jump ahead to do other lessons and quizzes.
- Can teachers earn vaccines too?
Teachers can do all the quizzes, but vaccines are earned only by students who complete the quizzes.
- Do I get access to each of my students’ quiz scores?
Yes! There are several ways teachers can see how their students are doing. For more information, please refer to the User Guide under Viewing Quiz Results / Student Assessment.
- I’d like to cancel/delete my account. How do I do that?
If you want to delete your account, email info@kidsboostimmunity.com and this can be done by system administrators.
- What is Kids Boost Immunity (KBI)?
KBI is an online education platform, with over 200 lessons and quizzes developed by teachers and health professionals to engage digital-age students in grades 4-12. Every time a student scores 80% or more on a lesson quiz, we donate a life-saving vaccine to UNICEF Canada. This enables students to directly connect their learning outcomes to a global context. We may purchase vaccines with other branches of UNICEF etc depending on the location of the student.
- How is this different from I Boost Immunity?
Kids Boost Immunity is based on a sister-site called I Boost Immunity (IBI) that utilizes online quizzes to raise literacy about immunization. KBI is tailored for teachers and their classroom, while IBI’s primary target is adults.
- Can we trust the information on the KBI website?
KBI is dedicated to bringing current, accurate, reliable and accessible information to students using digital technology. Our team consists of healthcare professionals, a wide range of teachers, and researchers. Click here for more information.
- Is KBI free?
All of the resources, lessons, and quizzes on KBI are available for teachers and students entirely free. KBI is supported by funding from public and private partners for costs associated with maintaining and promoting the online platform, developing educational content, and purchasing vaccines through UNICEF Canada. We may purchase vaccines through other branches of UNICEF etc depending on the location of the student.
- Is there a French version?
Yes (partially)! Although not all of the content is translated and available, we are currently piloting the French site at https://kidsboostimmunity.com/fr
- Can I have access to both the English and French versions?
Teachers can have access to both English and French version of the site. However, this will require signing up to two different accounts, with two different emails. Students will only have access to one version of the site at a time, which is determined by the language of the Teacher's account.
- Who can be a KBI partner?
KBI does not accept funding from tobacco or alcohol companies, or any business harmful to the health of children. Public and private partners are recognized on the KBI website. Private partners are not part of curriculum content decisions, and they are not able to influence the choice of vaccines purchased through UNICEF. Click here for more information.
- What vaccines are donated to UNICEF?
Kids Boost Immunity directly purchases tetanus, polio and measles vaccines through UNICEF Canada. The goal is to increase the availability of vaccines in countries least able to pay. We may purchase vaccines with other branches of UNICEF etc depending on the location of the student.
- Shouldn't you just give vaccines away anyway?
Great question! As a government funded public health initiative, our mandate is not tied to UNICEF. Our mandate is to educate and inform the public about critical thinking, public health, and the dangers of bad science. We buy vaccines as part of the incentive for students to learn more about immunization and other related topics. Think of it as a "matching" donation - we are matching a student’s effort to learn with a vaccine donation to UNICEF. It's a win-win-win!
- How many vaccines have been donated to UNICEF so far?
There is a vaccine counter on the site that keeps track of how many vaccines are being earned in real time!
- Do these resources fit with the curriculum?
KBI provides a unique and tailored interactive classroom experience that is carefully curated to follow the school curriculum. In particular, our focus is on meeting the learning standards of the grade 4-12 curriculum in science and social studies. There are different education curriculums across Canada and content is being tailored over time to fit the unique needs of different regions. You can find detailed documents outlining the exact curricular fit for each lesson by going to the User Guide and referring to the KBI Resource Guides page.
- What information do you require from teachers and students?
The privacy of teachers and students is of utmost importance at KBI. While we do require teachers to provide some information in order to prevent fraudulent accounts, we do not require or store any personal/identifiable information about students. Our Privacy Policy is available on the site. Click here for more information.
- I’m homeschooling. Can I use the site?
Yes, KBI can be used by educators in homeschooling environments. The focus of KBI is on meeting the learning standards of the grade 4-12 curriculum in science and social studies. If you are a home-school parent, please email info@kidsboostimmunity.com to let us know, and we will register you!
- I am a school librarian. Can I use the site?
School librarians can promote and use the KBI resources. School librarians can partner with teachers in their school on the best ways to use the KBI site to reinforce classroom learning.
- My school is not in Canada. Can I use the site?
At this time, KBI is available in Canada and Scotland primarily. However, the site is also available to the world at large on a case-by-case basis. Just email us at info@kidsboostimmunity.com if you'd like your class to join KBI!
- Is KBI available to use throughout the year?
The online platform is available throughout the year, however there are additional technical supports for teachers available from September to June. In addition, the site resets around July to prepare for the new school year.
- I teach grades/classes that aren’t listed in the suggested curriculum. Can I use the site?
As a teacher, you are best suited to decide what resources meet the needs of your students and are appropriate for their age and literacy level. Feel free to register on the site and review the materials. You can choose to use whatever materials are a good fit for your classes.
- As a teacher, why do you need my email? How will it be used?
We require teachers to provide some information in order to prevent fraudulent accounts. Your email is a unique identifier that is not visible to anyone else on the KBI site, including the students you add to your class Team. You can register using any email address you choose, but we encourage the use of a school email as it helps verify that you are a teacher.
- What happens if several teachers at the same school want to use KBI?
Each teacher just needs to register with a unique email address, and each teacher can then sign up their students as a class team. The same teacher can sign up several class teams if they have more than one class.
- Why can’t kids register by themselves to do the quizzes?
KBI is designed to be used in classrooms. This is both to protect the privacy of kids, and to facilitate group learning. Once they are registered as part of a class Team, kids can keep learning and earning vaccines at home using extra quizzes that can be found on the “Earn More” area of the site.
Questions? Leave a comment below!

659,786 questions answered and 53,096 vaccines earned worldwide in support of UNICEF this school year.
5,818,941 questions answered and 467,353 vaccines earned worldwide for children in support of UNICEF since March 2018.
(Updated every few minutes.)

Thank you for acting locally to help immunize globally.
You are helping people around the globe get immunity to diseases like polio, tetanus and measles that can be prevented or even eliminated through vaccination! Thank you for all the great work!