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How to Handle Your Vaccines Like a Champ - Part 1

This is the grade 6+ version of this lesson. There is also a grades 4-5 version on the site.

In this lesson, you will learn about why you get vaccines in school, what to expect on immunization day, and ways to be less anxious.

You don’t usually learn much about vaccines (also called vaccinations or immunizations) in school, but they are really important for your health.

Are you nervous about getting needles? 

Many people are!


In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use the CARD system to have a better immunization experience. 

Let's start with a video where Angelo talks about vaccines and how to prepare for immunization day at school.

PLEASE NOTE: This video shows a few children preparing for and getting a vaccine (needle). Any students who might not like to watch this can look away and just listen. The child shown in the video is fine and not scared at all. Getting a needle only takes a few seconds.

Wow! Angelo has really done his research. Click on the questions below to review what you’ve learned so far.
What are vaccines?

Vaccines are medicines you can take to prevent some diseases before they happen. 

How do vaccines work?

Vaccines work by teaching your body how to recognize and fight off certain disease-causing germs. 

That way, if your body comes into contact with the germ in the future, it will know how to fight it off before it makes you sick. 

Why do I need vaccines?

Vaccines protect you against serious diseases that can make you really sick. 

These diseases can even be deadly. 

When you get vaccinated, you help protect others too!

Are vaccines safe?

Yes. Vaccines are very safe. Doctors and scientists study vaccines very well to make sure they are safe.

What should I do before immunization day?

Review the vaccine permission form with your parent or guardian. Return the signed form to your school. 

The nurses at your local health unit, community health centre, or primary care clinic can answer questions about vaccines.

What should I do on immunization day?

Make sure you eat breakfast and be sure to wear short sleeves or a top that lets your upper arm be reached easily.

What happens on immunization day?

Nurses come to your school to give vaccines. 

First, the nurse will ask you a few questions about how you're feeling that day and check over your signed form. 

Next, the nurse will give you the vaccine in your upper arm. You might feel a pinch or some pressure or pushing when you are given the vaccine. This will only last a few seconds.

How will I feel after I have my vaccine?

Lots of kids don’t feel any different after getting a vaccine. Some kids might have a mild reaction like a sore arm or some redness or swelling where the vaccine was given. The nurses will make sure you’re feeling good before you go back to class. 

What if I am afraid of needles?

If you’re afraid of needles, you’re not alone. It’s normal to feel anxious or worried about getting vaccinated. In the next part of the lesson, you will learn what you can do to make shots more comfortable and make immunization day easier.



  Aug 22, 2024