Lesson Plan: The Immune System & Vaccines (Grade 8)

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The immune system helps our body stay healthy and the use of technology like vaccines allows us to fight deadly viruses. Students will explore the topic of their own health by completing a healthy living worksheet provided. They will discuss how we keep emotionally, physically, and mentally healthy every day, elaborating on topics such as infections, viruses, bacteria, and immunity. To further activate learning there is a video on the immune system and 5 facts to engage deeper discussion. Students acquire learning through completing two lessons on Kids Boost Immunity called What Is the Immune System? And, What Are Vaccines and How Do They Work? Students can then apply their learning by creating posters to help encourage healthy choices, and an assessment checklist is provided.
This unit plan overview provides links to lessons along with links to accompanying teacher support materials that include:
Student worksheets and answer guides
Inquiry activities (support materials are provided as needed)
NOTE - answer keys/marking guides are accessible only by teachers and are located at the bottom of this page.
Teachers can use/adapt any of these materials as needed.
When possible, content will be updated yearly for relevancy and to check links. However, teachers may find that over time links to external sources become unavailable. Teachers may want to consider replacing these with alternate sources.
Download worksheets and make available to your students:
- The Immune System and How It Works Student Worksheet
- Healthy Behaviours Student Worksheet
- School Poster Checklist
- Student worksheet for online lessons (with answer key) - To hide from students, you have to be logged in and scroll down to the answer key section below!
Preview of lesson plan below.
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