I Can't Find My School!
Having trouble finding your school? If you are in a school in Canada or Scotland, with very few exceptions your school is on the list. If you're unable to find it, try these tips:
1 - The search function needs at least 4 characters, but works optimally with 5.
Make sure you enter at least 5 characters in the search bar. Try to search for terms that are unique to your school. Words such as "collegiate", "secondary", and especially "school" do not return all results, and the likelihood of your school showing up is lower.
2 - Try with and without punctuation (especially for middle names).
If your school name has a first name, middle initial, and last name in it (e.g. Georges P Vanier), our list may or may include a period after the middle initial. Try searching for "Georges P. Vanier" and "Georges P Vanier" and see if that helps. Alternatively, search just for "Georges" or "Vanier" and see if that works.
3 - I'm homeschooling
If you're homeschooling, you should have received some special instructions for you. If you have not, please email info@kidsboostimmunity.com and we will provide you with instructions.
4 - I'm not in Canada or Scotland
If you're not in Canada or Scotland, you should have received special instructions for how to sign up. Please email info@kidsboostimmunity.com to let us know.
5 - I still can't find it!
If you still can't find your school, please email us at info@kidsboostimmunity.com.