Cross-Curricular Inquiry Research Assignment (4-7)

You can download the worksheets here.
This lesson on Kids Boost Immunity is unique in that it does not have a quiz of its own. Instead, students are asked to complete an inquiry research assignment based on several different lessons found across the site. Regardless of the task they choose, students touch upon the major subject areas covered on KBI. Students have an opportunity to consider differing perspectives, as well as possible environmental, social, political, and economic factors. The research tasks are action-oriented, using a variety of presentational techniques for students to share their reflective understanding.
Research Topics
There are seven research topics to choose from:
- Create a virtual tour of municipal, provincial, and federal government services related to keeping you safe from infectious diseases.
- Describe the actions you think we should take to eliminate global inequality in immunization.
- If you were prime minister, how would you solve the issue of misinformation?
- Create a poster of some of the things you can do to keep yourself healthy from diseases.
- As an evil villain, you just got caught promoting a campaign trying to get everyone as sick as possible, and now you have to write an apology letter explaining to the world why this was wrong.
- An Indigenous story writer worked with Elders to share stories about Turtle Island. Explore the themes in these stories.
- Create a world map highlighting some of the impacts of infectious diseases.
Supporting Learning
This research assignment would work well both as a starting point and as a culminating activity after students have been through the socials lessons. Each of the seven topics has an activity that students will complete. There are grade-appropriate options for students to demonstrate their learning. We provide a number of support materials, including worksheets and marking rubrics. Please use or adapt as needed.