Canada’s Interactions with the Global Community: World Health

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Created by a high school teacher, Canada
This lesson plan works for a wide range of grades and is designed to be used with Kids Boost Immunity lessons on Canada’s Interactions with the Global Community. Students identify factors in their society and around the world which can impact access and ability to have optimal health. By understanding these factors, students develop problem-solving skills for addressing some social inequalities and challenges.
Students start by identifying factors that can harm health including some we have control over. After sharing this initiating activity they complete the online lessons. Then they can choose to apply their learning in one of two ways: either by exploring and recording aspects of their own neighborhood, or they can create a game (physical, board, group solo) to teach about global health and how it is impacted by many factors.
- Lesson plans and supporting materials are created by a teacher(s) and are provided as is. These can be used or adapted by other teachers as needed.
- When possible, content will be updated yearly for relevancy and to check links. However, teachers may find that over time links to external sources become unavailable. Teachers may want to consider replacing these with alternate sources.
Download worksheets and make available to your students:
- Game Review
- Student Worksheet Grades 4-6
- Student Worksheet Grades 7-12
- Teacher Answer Guide—To hide from students, you have to be logged in and scroll down to the answer key section below!
Preview of lesson plan below.
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