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How You Can Help KBI

A cartoon of two immune system cells giving a high five.

Do you support our mission and want to help us? There are several ways to help Kids Boost Immunity!

1 - Help fund the vaccines

For every quiz that a student passes, we give a vaccine donation to UNICEF Canada. If you'd like to help us continue to be able to award vaccines, you can do so directly by providing a tax-deductible donation to UNICEF Canada through this link.

*Please note that for us to benefit from your contributions, you must donate through this specific link.

Screen capture of UNICEF donation page.

2 - Spread the Word!

Help classrooms discover Kids Boost Immunity! The more students participate, the more impact we can make together.

Teachers - Do you know a teacher who should use Kids Boost Immunity? Use our teacher referral tool to send them an email quickly, and tell them that you think Kids Boost Immunity would be an excellent fit for them. (You must be signed in to use this tool)

Health Care Providers - HCPs can join Kids Boost Immunity! Are you a school nurse, a public health worker, or in some form of health care promotion? You can now explore all of the lessons and quizzes available to students. You can also help spread the word by talking to your local schools. To access the HCP toolkit, you must be logged in. The toolkit is located in the drop-down of the Teacher Centre menu item. 

Screen capture of where to find the Healthcare Provider Toolkit.

  Apr 23, 2024