FAQ - Students
- What is KBI about?
Kids Boost Immunity (KBI) is a place where you can learn about science and social issues in your classroom or at home. Everytime you score 80% or higher on a quiz, we donate a life-saving vaccine through UNICEF.
- How do the quizzes work?
"Lessons" is the area that your teacher will use during class.
Most lessons start with a "Trivia Quiz". All other lessons/quizzes are locked until you finish this quiz. It's pre-test though, so don't worry about getting all the answers correct!
At the end of each lesson, there will be a quiz. If you score 80% or higher on the quiz, you will earn a vaccine for UNICEF Canada that will help save lives! If you don't score 80% the first time, you can keep trying until you score 80% or higher.
When you finish ALL the quizzes for a topic, you'll unlock a special quiz: the Final Quiz for that topic. This quiz lets you earn vaccines based on the number questions you answer correctly. But be careful - you can only earn vaccines for a Final Quiz the first time you take it!
If you'd like to earn more vaccines, check out the "Earn More" link. This area lets you take more quizzes, so you can keep earning vaccines at home.
- What are Leaderboards?
Leaderboards are a way to see how you and your team are doing in comparison to the other students in Canada and around the world.
- What vaccines are we buying for other kids?
Kids Boost Immunity directly purchases tetanus, polio and measles vaccines through UNICEF for kids in countries who need them.
- Who can see my quiz scores?
Your quiz scores can't be seen by other students. Your teacher can see your quiz scores. Other class members can see the total number of vaccines you have earned if the teacher has enabled the leaderboard for your class.
- What happens if I forget my password?
Teachers can help students who forget their passwords. Just ask your teacher to look at the "Teacher's Guide" section to find instructions!