Vous pouvez jeter un coup d’œil et explorer des sources d’information supplémentaires reliées au contenu de Kids Boost Immunity sur cette page. Si vous vous voulez en savoir davantage, ceci est l'endroit idéal où commencer!
- La pensée critique et l'évaluation de l'information
Évaluation de sources d'information :
McMaster University, BHSc Library Research Guide - The CRAAP Test
Immunization Information on the Internet: Can you trust what you read?Biais :
CIA - Biases in Perception of Cause and Effect
La corrélation et la causalité :
Spurious Correlations
Night Lights Don't Lead To Nearsightedness, Study Suggests - Les inégalités mondiales
Le lien entre la vaccination et la pauvreté :
Gavi - Study: vaccines prevent not just disease, but also poverty
Unicef, Immunization Programme
Unicef, Immunization: Saving Lives and Protecting Futures
Unicef USA - Infographic: 1.5 Million Kids Don't Get The Vaccines They Need. Why?Le piège de la pauvreté :
Science - Why so much of the world is stuck in a 'poverty trap'
Rice University - The Poverty TrapHistorique de la désinformation sur les vaccins :
NPR - A Cow Head Will Not Erupt From Your Body If You Get A Smallpox Vaccine
CBC - B.C. poll suggests 'concerning' levels of belief in anti-vaccine conspiracy theoriesDifficultés de la chaîne d'approvisionnement des vaccins :
Unicef, Immunization Programme
Unicef Canada - Ewan McGregor: Cold Chain Mission
WHO - The vaccine cold chainLa guerre en Syrie et le combat contre la polio :
National Geographic - Fighting Polio Amid the Chaos of Syria’s Civil War
BBC - Why is there a war in Syria?
BC Centre for Disease Control - Polio - Les trois niveaux de gouvernement du Canada
Legislative Assembly of Ontario - Three Levels of Government Lesson Plan
Public Health Ontario - Municipal by-law development and public health: A primer
Public Health Agency of Canada - What is public health? - Interactions du Canada avec la communauté globale
Questions de santé mondiale :
WHO - Ten threats to global health in 2019
CityNews - Does Canada's healthcare system treat everyone equally?
WHO - Who we are & historyCartes/Latitude et longitude :
Astronomy Education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Using Longitude and Latitude
The Open University - Latitude and Longitude
National Geographic - Interactive Mapmaker
International Diabetes Federation - Diabetes Atlas
WHO - Global Health Observatory Data (Malaria)
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development - Gross National Income - Vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks
Vaccine Confidence Project - The state of vaccine confidence: 2016
Vaccine Safety Net - VSN MembersLe canular du monoxyde de dihydrogène :
The Guardian - Something in the dihydrogen monoxideLa désinformation et la réticence face à la vaccination :
NPR - A Cow Head Will Not Erupt From Your Body If You Get A Smallpox Vaccine
CBC - B.C. poll suggests 'concerning' levels of belief in anti-vaccine conspiracy theories
Heidi J. Larson et. al - The State of Vaccine Confidence 2016: Global Insights Through a 67-Country Survey
ImmunizeBC - Why Vaccinate?
WHO - Addressing Vaccine HesitancyLa variole :
Public Health Agency of Canada - Smallpox
Le diabète :
Statistics Canada - Diabetes, 2016
International Diabetes Federation - Diabetes Atlas
Le paludisme (la malaria) :
WHO - Global Health Observatory Data (Malaria)
WHO - World Malaria Report
La réponse du Canada à l'hésitation face à la vaccination :
First Nations Health Authority - About us
First Nations Health Authority - Traditional Wellness Strategic Framework
Kids Boost Immunity - Who we are
Public Health Agency of Canada - Vaccines and ImmunizationLa réponse du Canada à la réticence face à la vaccination à l'étranger :
Vaccine Confidence Project - The state of vaccine confidence: 2016
Vaccine Safety Net - VSN Members
Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance - CanadaLes météorites et le risque de mortalité :
Prof. Stephen A. Nelson - Meteorites, Impacts, and Mass Extinction - Odds of Death By Asteroid? Lower Than Plane Crash, Higher Than Lightning - Le système immunitaire et les vaccins
- Homéostasie et le bien-être
- Les antibiotiques
Prévenir la transmission de superbactéries :
AntibioticsWiseLa tubeculose :
BCCDC - Tuberculosis
World Health Organization - TuberculosisLes peuples autochtones, la ségrégation raciale dans le domaine des soins de la santé et la tuberculose :
Canadian Public Health Association - TB and Aboriginal People
The Canadian Encyclopedia - Indian Hospitals in Canada
CBC - 'Our people were experimented on': Indigenous sanatorium survivors recall medical tests
CBC - The story of a separate and unequal Canadian health care system
Active History - Bacille de Calmette-Guérin, or BCG Vaccine for Tuberculosis - La propagation de maladies infectieuses et les éclosions
Que sont des éclosions? - Vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks
WHO - Disease OutbreaksLa variole et le colonialisme :
Kiran Van Rijn - “Lo! the Poor Indian!” Colonial Responses to the 1862-63 Smallpox Epidemic in British Columbia and Vancouver Island
Maclean's - How a smallpox epidemic forged modern British Columbia
First Nations Health Authority - Our History, Our HealthL'éclosion de la rougeole de la vallée de la rivière Fraser :
Canada Communicable Disease Report 41-7 - Outbreak of Measles in an unvaccinated population, British Columbia, 2014 - Contenu en prime
Unicef Canada - Vaccination drive ongoing to protect children from deadly measles outbreak in Ukraine
Pourquoi y a-t-il une saison de la grippe?
Popular Science - FYI: Why Is There A Winter Flu Season?
Harvard University, Science in the News - The Reason for the Season: why flu strikes in winter
Scientific American - Why do we get the flu most often in the winter? Are viruses more virulent in cold weather? - Coronavirus (COVID-19)
World Health Organization - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
BC Centre for Disease Control - Novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
Government of Canada - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Coronavirus disease 2019
Rosetta@Home COVID-19 project